Career Assessment for 11th & 12th Students

Welcome to Your Future

Find out your perfect career and educational roadmap with the Career Assessment for 11th & 12th Students!

Career Assessment for 11th & 12th Students

1. Which subject do you ace easily?

2. How do you act in group activities?

3. What do you love doing most?

4. Your ideal school day is...

5. Where do you see yourself in the future?

6. A project flops. What do you do?

7. What gets you pumped?

8. How do you take criticism?

9. How do you pick your electives?

10. Your ideal teacher is...

11. A friend asks for help. You...

12. How do you study best?

13. What inspires you?

14. Your dream classroom is...

15. When stressed, you...

16. What skill do you want?

17. What’s boring to you?

18. Your dream summer job is...

19. A test is coming. You...

20. In a debate, you...

21. How do you learn new things?

22. Your ideal club is...

23. Your proudest moment?

24. Are you a risk-taker?

25. How do you prep for speeches?

26. What reward do you crave?

27. What chills you out?

28. Your dream job sounds like...

29. In a team, you’re...

30. Your big dream is...

Your Career & Educational Roadmap