Career Assessment for 8th, 9th & 10th Students

Explore Your Future

Find out the best subjects and career path after 10th with the Career Assessment for 8th, 9th & 10th Students!

Career Assessment for 8th, 9th & 10th Students

1. Which class is super easy for you?

2. How do you hang out with friends?

3. What’s your favorite thing to do?

4. Your perfect day is...

5. What’s your big dream?

6. Your toy breaks. You...

7. What makes you happy?

8. Someone says you messed up. You...

9. How do you pick activities?

10. Your favorite teacher is...

11. A friend needs help. You...

12. How do you do homework?

13. What gets you excited?

14. Your dream hangout spot is...

15. When you’re upset, you...

16. What do you want to learn?

17. What’s no fun for you?

18. Your favorite game is...

19. A big test is coming. You...

20. In a fight, you...

21. How do you learn best?

22. Your favorite club would be...

23. What are you proud of?

24. Do you like surprises?

25. How do you show off?

26. What prize do you want?

27. What calms you down?

28. Your dream job is...

29. In a group, you’re...

30. Your big wish is...

Your Subjects & Career Roadmap